About Our Arts Classes

Welcome to the Centauri Arts Academy! Film, Acting, Art and Creative Writing Classes.

Centauri Arts is dedicated to providing top quality classes in Acting, Film Production, Creative Writing, Fine Art, Digital Art and Animation for kids and teenagers. Arts programs are offered after school and at the weekends, at our multi-purpose studio in Bloor West Village, Toronto – and virtually.

Why the Arts Matter

Imagination… spontaneity… collaboration… when we create, we develop valuable skills such as these that impact our whole lives. When we paint, write, act, create art and make movies, we find our voice in the world and learn to value it. Artistic youth need their ‘tribe’ and at Centauri Arts, building community, enhancing social skills and promoting a sense of self worth are essential to everything we do.

Our Faculty

We all need outstanding role models, and there are none finer than the instructors at Centauri Arts. Experienced teachers with impressive arts credentials, instructors offer our students nurturing environments, exceptional course content and the opportunity to guide their own projects as they learn and grow through the arts. We check police records and invest in the continual growth of our faculty members, most of whom teach with us for years. To read more about our staff, click here.

Process and Product

At Centauri Arts, young people learn by doing. Our young filmmakers, actors, writers and artists hone their craft by participating in solo and group creative projects. As the year progresses, they have the chance to contribute to final presentations: performances, film premiers, readings, exhibitions and publications. Older students create material they can use for university portfolios and auditions.

Our Classes

Our courses are organised into 2 semesters, each 14 weeks long. Students may join us for Semester 1 at the end of September, Semester 2 in early February, or remain with us for the entire year, to benefit fully from our curriculum. We never ‘repeat’ classes, so students return year after year.

Our Classes in Toronto and On-Line

Centauri Arts runs weekly classes for Teens in:

Acting Camp, Devised Theatre Actors
young actors in masks

Weekly Classes Available at Centauri Arts Academy