Young writers in our creative writing classes often ask for writing prompts they can use to write poetry and short stories in their own time. Here’s 10 ways to find inspiration for your creative writing:

  1. Spend a day noticing whenever you smile, and what caused it. This is a great way to write poetry!
  2. Ask random questions on social media, and use the responses as writing prompts. Example: in ten words, what is something you always wanted to do, but never had the courage to try?
  3. Open a book at random and make note of interesting phrases. Use these in your creative writing.
  4. Take a virtual tour of an art gallery or museum. Imagine the story behind a famous painting, sculpture or artefact.
  5. Look for portals (strange doors, boxes, keys…) and imagine yourself transported to another world.
  6. Use to compile lists of interesting words, then use them in a poem or short story.
  7. Use . Read stories and view photographs of real people, and use them as the basis for fictional characters.
  8. Search online for images of exotic, amazing and fabulous places (a tropical beach, the Eiffel Tower…). Start by describing the location as it might be seen by a character who feels a negative emotion, such as anger or sadness. See where your story takes you!
  9. Create a new instagram account on behalf of one of your characters. Follow the things they would follow, including things specific to their location, interests, passions, and the types of people they might be friends with. See the world through their eyes. You can even post ‘as’ them for a mini creative writing assignment to start using their voice and thinking about what they might like to share.
  10. Write about yourself from the perspective of a fictional character.
