Beginning at the end of January 2024, Centauri Arts will be offering its first ever hybrid program – and what better choice for this than Digital Art & Animation? Students aged 11-17 can work on their digital art and animation skills using open source software, either from the comfort of their own home, or in person, together, in our West Toronto studio.

Spaces are limited in this 15-week new program, offered on Monday evenings and taught by Aaron Alviano.

To hold your spot, go to our application page

Digital Art & Animation

Develop your digital art skills as you work on fabulous original art! We’ll help you become proficient with open-source sketching and painting programs which offer invaluable tools for digital artists. Explore digital painting, concept art, illustration and even digital cartooning as you create your own dossier of work. Create fantastical and futuristic characters, landscapes and stories… and bring them to life using animation techniques.opentoonz screenshot
Whether you’re a beginner, or looking to create your art portfolio, we’ll inspire you with techniques and creative projects as you uncover the near-limitless possibilities of Digital Art. By the end of the semester each participant will have several detailed illustrations and short animated pieces to share in a virtual exhibition, as they celebrate their achievements.

To hold your space on this course, go to our application page