Digital Art & Animation Classes
in Toronto & Online
Digital Art Classes including digital painting, concept art, illustration and digital cartooning. Use open-source sketching and painting programs which offer invaluable tools for digital artists.
“I want to thank you and all the Centauri staff for doing such a wonderful job moving to online programming. My daughter is loving Digital Art!” – Edna

Weekly After-School Digital Art & Animation Classes
Bloor West Village, Toronto and On-Line
Digital Art & Animation
Offered hybrid; join virtually, or in-person at our Toronto studio.
Mondays, 7pm-8.30pm (ET), Ages 11-17,
Semester 2 (14 weeks) Monday 27 January-Monday 12 May
** Students can join semester 1 or 2 (or both).
Instructor: Aaron Alviano
Develop your digital art skills as you work on fabulous original art in our weekly after-school digital art classes. Become proficient with open-source sketching and painting programs. Explore digital painting, illustration and even digital cartooning as you create your own dossier of work. Create fantastical and futuristic characters, landscapes and stories… and bring them to life using animation techniques. Explore real-world applications for […]
We have 29 years’ experience offering top notch arts courses for children and teens, taught by some of the most talented and experienced arts instructors you will find anywhere. Our guiding philosophy: when you combine creativity and technique with a focus on community and inspiration, the outcome is a learning and growing experience unlike any other.