Centauri Arts has been offering creative arts camps, year-round arts classes, school workshops and writing retreats for the past three decades. In that time, we’ve worked with thousands of young people… and we’ve also witnessed the erosion of arts programs in schools. Why are the arts an essential component of a young person’s education? As you help your pre-teen or teen to plan their summer, consider the following:

The arts promote imagination and creativity

In an ever-changing world, a creative mindset means adaptability and openness to new ideas.

The arts encourage empathy.

For a society as diverse as ours, respect for the perspectives and needs of others and for differences of culture, ethnicity, gender and more is essential in the workplace – and for life.

The arts promote communication skills

Through the drama and creative writing in particular, young people learn to communicate their ideas effectively on paper, and verbally.

The arts promote self confidence

Creating something – whether a performance, poem, short film or work of art – is empowering. When young people feel their voice is heard, their confidence grows.

The arts help develop team skills and leadership

In film-making and acting, young people work together to create. They learn to negotiate, develop listening skills, support and encourage one another, advocate for themselves and others… all key skills for later life.

The arts are fun!

They offer a different way to learn – one that promotes laughter and conversation, often leading to new friendships and skills.

We have a wide range of arts camps this summer, designed specifically to inspire and challenge young people aged 11-18. Read all about our programs here:
