An On-Line Creative Writing Salon for Teens
Ages 11-17, Virtually, on Zoom: Wednesday, 7pm-8.30pm (ET) Semester 1 (15 weeks) begins late September Semester 2 (14 weeks) begins January 29 (students can enroll for semester 1, or 2, or the full year) Instructor: Briana Brown Young creative writers belong at Centauri! In our writing classes explore plot, character and setting as you discover your unique writer’s voice and experiment with form and style. Our weekly workshops are endlessly varied! Try your hand at poetry, playwriting, screenwriting, fantasy world-building, genre fiction, novel structure, flash fiction, podcasts, graphic novel writing and more. A typical class includes exploration of a writing technique, 2-3 inspiring creative writing prompts, a chance to collaborate with other writers and an opportunity to share work for encouragement or feedback. Beginner [...]