Planning a Novel or Memoir. April 12 2025

Hybrid – join us on Zoom or in our Bloor West Studio Saturday 12 April 2025.  2pm to 4.30pm EST Open to adult writers, and teen writers 16+ Join us for a lively workshop on the process of plotting and planning a novel or memoir. We’ll cover Five Act Structure, the Three Peaks Method, Inciting Incidents and Character Transformation. We’ll also look at what makes a satisfying protagonist, how to choose your point of view and ways to keep your writing ‘in-scene’. Bring along your questions, ideas or works-in-progress, and prepare yourself for a fast-paced overview of plotting and planning All ages 16+ are welcome! Special Discounted Rate: $29+HST CLICK HERE TO REGISTER CLICK HERE to find out more about Julie Hartley, the instructor [...]

The Business of Writing. March 29 2025

Hybrid – join us on Zoom or in our Bloor West Studio Saturday 29 March 2025.  2pm to 4.30pm EST Open to adult writers, and teen writers 16+ Join us for an intensive workshop on the business of getting published. Learn how to prepare a manuscript for publication, and explore the  options open to you once your book is ready. We will look at sample query letters and learn how to make your letter to an agent or independent publisher stand out from the rest. We’ll compare print and digital publishing houses, self-publishing with traditional routes, indie with international, and examine the process you must go through if you want to see your book published by one of the ‘big five’. If you love [...]

The Joy of Words: An Adult Writing Salon

Saturdays 9.30am-11.00am, ages 18+ only, Hybrid: In our Bloor West Studio or Virtual 5 weeks, starting Saturday 1 February Leave the cares of the world behind and reconnect with your creative self! There’s something in this writing workshop for everyone – seasoned writers hoping to rediscover the joy of writing, curious beginners and anyone who feels they have a story to tell. We’ll gather over morning coffee to write, laugh and share. Each week we will meander through 2-3 creative writing prompts, mining our lives for story and exploring everything from poetry to memoir, fantasy to flash fiction, open letters to journalling. We’ll discuss techniques – but our main focus will be the pleasure of writing. ALL of us can be creative, finding joy [...]

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