Reflecting on Our Creative Writing Retreat in Mexico

It is difficult to imagine a city more perfect for a creative writing retreat than Merida in Mexico. This was our fourth year running a writing retreat here, and it was spectacular. Our Creative Writing Workshops Each morning we began our writing workshops on a glorious, colourful terrace in our lovely boutique hotel, surrounded by flowers and greenery. As the sun rose over the walls ninety minutes or so into our writing workshops, we took a break and then moved indoors to the cool interior of this converted Hacienda. Our writing workshops always include creative prompts, a range of tips and techniques, plus an opportunity for writers to share their work for feedback. The writers in attendance this year declared the workshops a huge [...]

Why Do We Write??

Our ‘Short Story Creation’ camp is now well underway at the Centauri Arts Academy! We began by asking ourselves why we write, and the ‘tools’ we use to inspire our creative writing. All campers created statements exploring the reasons why they write, and used these to create a personal list poem in which every line began “I write with…”. Writers shared their favourite lines with a partner, who also helped them edit the lines for maximum impact. Finally, each writer submitted their favourite line, and these were combined to form a collaborative poem entitled: We Write With… Here is the result – which demonstrates the talent and wisdom of this incredible group of young writers: We Write With… A collective writing piece from the "How [...]

How to Write an Essay – and Why it Matters!

Essay writing skills are a key component of our English Tutoring program at Centauri Arts. Here are some of the ‘tips and tricks’ we offer our English tutoring students, to help them improve their writing skills: Planning before you begin to write is key to essay writing success Planning an essay carefully helps you organize your thoughts.. It also ensures you spot gaps in your research, and weaknesses in your argument, before you begin to write. Learn how to write a successful thesis statement For students in high school and beyond, a well crafted thesis statement is essential to success. Your thesis statement should be sufficiently ‘weighty’ to enable you to develop arguments sufficiently complex to ensure a good mark! Learn to craft successful topic [...]

6 Benefits of Creative Writing Classes and Creative Writing Camps!

Centauri Arts offers creative virtual and in-person creative writing classes for teenagers, and creative writing camps for children and teens – plus, occasional creative writing workshops for adults. But what are the benefits of creative writing classes? Creative Writing Classes Help Improve Writing Skills Our parents tell us that when their children and teens take creative writing classes with us, their academic grades improve. The more you write, the better at it you become – creative writing classes are a terrific way to improve writing skills! Creative Writing Classes and Camps Create Enthusiastic Readers Young people who write more, read more, too! Whether young writers are interested in writing poetry, writing short fiction, writing novels, writing plays or exploring genre fiction such as fantasy, science [...]

Young Writers: 5 Places to Submit Your Work!

If you are a young writer working on a manuscript, then you are probably wondering which markets exist for your work. There are many literary magazines and publishing houses that accept work from young writers – and there are creative writing competitions for young writers, too! Here are some opportunities for young writers, to start you on your way. Remember a strong cover letter is always important when you are submitting your manuscript for consideration: Young Voices Magazine The Toronto Public Library publishes an annual magazine -  Young Voices - which publishes the work of young writers and artists. You can check it out here: The Walrus Magazine & Amazon Awards for Youth The magazine’s Youth Short Story Category invites authors between the ages [...]

Creative Writing Classes at Centauri Arts: a Place for Young Writers to Grow

If you love creative writing – poetry, short fiction, writing novels, screenplays and more – then Centauri is the place for you. For 27 years, we’ve brought together young writers, and talented creative writing teachers to inspire them… and we continue to do so with creative writing classes AND creative writing summer camps, all starting in the next few weeks. Creative Writing Classes this Spring (starting April 2022). Julie Hartley is our instructor for the next Saturday creative writing class, which begins in our Bloor West studio on Saturday 23rd April. If you live in Bloor West Village, Swansea or anywhere else in Etobicoke and Mississauga, join us for a creative writing class that focusses on fantasy and science fiction. VIRTUAL Creative Writing Classes and [...]

New Creative Writing Class for Teenagers in Our Bloor West Village Location!

Short fiction… poetry… novels… if your teenager loves writing in any of these forms, they would likely LOVE our new Creative Writing class, which begins in our Bloor West Village studio on Wednesday 23 February. The instructor for this program is centre director Julie Hartley; read all about her publications and experience at Creative Writing: From Prompts to Finished Product Most of our creative writing classes in Toronto and virtually focus on technique and inspiration; they combine imaginative creative writing prompts with a chance to learn about character development, plot structure, genre fiction and more. This class is a little different – it’s aimed at high school students who have experience as writers, and the goal is to help young writers to finish a [...]

Young Writers: 8 Markets Looking for Your Work!

Getting Published... There are plenty of places that young writers can submit their creative writing: magazines and writing competitions are great options. If you have a short story, poem, novel excerpt or even art piece you would like to see in print, check out the following options: This is a creative writing magazine published annually. They accept art, too! You must live in the Toronto area to submit your creative writing. This one is a great choice for young writers working on a novel! This magazine promotes work by creative writers under the age of 25. This is a UK-based online magazine designed by and for young writers. For art, novels, creative non-fiction, poetry and short stories, try out this New [...]

Creative Writing Classes for Teens: 10 Ways to Get Inspired!

Young writers in our creative writing classes often ask for writing prompts they can use to write poetry and short stories in their own time. Here’s 10 ways to find inspiration for your creative writing: Spend a day noticing whenever you smile, and what caused it. This is a great way to write poetry! Ask random questions on social media, and use the responses as writing prompts. Example: in ten words, what is something you always wanted to do, but never had the courage to try? Open a book at random and make note of interesting phrases. Use these in your creative writing. Take a virtual tour of an art gallery or museum. Imagine the story behind a famous painting, sculpture or artefact. Look for [...]

Creative Writing Classes for Teenagers at the Centauri Arts Academy

Screenwriting Classes, Short Fiction, Poetry, Science Fiction, Fantasy… we have it all at the Centauri Arts Academy, starting January 2022! We are thrilled to announce that our popular Screenwriting program is back for Semester 2! This virtual program is taught by the talented Abby Buchmeyer, who is an award-winning screenwriter working in Writers’ Rooms in New York. Abby has been involved with Centauri Arts for more than a decade and currently teaches our Screenwriting Masterclasses in high schools, too. Our Screenwriting Workshop is ideal for anyone 12+ who loves writing and is interested in how to write for TV and Film! You’ll explore the work of successful screenwriters, dissect your favourite shows and learn to produce stories and scenes packed with intriguing characters and conflict. [...]

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