How to Raise an Introvert

For too long in our society, introverts have played second fiddle to the extroverts among us, and even in 2024, many people still see introversion as something to counteract. Is your child an introvert? If so, what does that mean? Read on to find out. What is an introvert? Being introverted is not the same thing as being shy! Introverts are often confident people. They can be terrific public speakers, and great leaders. So what is an introvert? Imagine two people attend a busy family event packed with people, where there is loud music and constant conversation; one of these people is an introvert and the other an extrovert. They may enjoy the party equally, and both engage with others throughout the event. However, the [...]

October 23rd, 2024|Academy, Parenting|

How to Raise a Reader – 7 Tips for Parents

How do you raise children who see the value in books? It’s harder than ever these days, with so much technology out there to distract. Reading is an immersive activity that requires attention over a significant period of time, allowing a person to spiral down into an imaginative world. There is enormous value in reading; young people who read have better vocabularies, do better in school, have empathy for the experiences of others and deepen their understanding of human nature and the world in which we live. Here are seven tips to help you raise a child who reads: 1. Celebrate stories! Read to your child from an earlier age – and do so every day, as part of your family routine. Talk about the [...]

October 7th, 2024|Academy, Parenting|
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