Researching a Novel – How Things Have Changed!

Research for writers in the twenty-first century is not what it used to be. Decades ago, researching a novel might take months, and the entire process had to be completed before the creative writing process could begin. Researching a historical novel – any kind of novel, really - required a well-stocked library, and the more specific the research your novel required, the more specialized the library had to be. Writers might find themselves making long trips to distant libraries in order to seek out the material they needed to give their novel authenticity. Researching a Novel in the Twenty-First Century Writers of historical fiction still need to do their research, of course, but these days the process is quite different. Often, writers need only a [...]

The Benefits of a Creative Writing Retreat

I've attended many Creative Writing retreats over the years. A writing retreat in a fishing village in Mexico. Another on the wind-swept moors in Devon, England. Retreats in Scotland and Wales. I've also run dozens of retreats myself. Our creative writing retreat centre in Canada hosted more than 100 writers, and these days, we run creative writing retreats in Costa Rica: and a new writing retreat in Mexico. Why  Attend a Creative Writing Retreat? Writers rarely have the opportunity to focus exclusively on writing. We're spouses, parents, sons, daughters, home owners, and whatever it is we do for a living. We may want to write a novel, complete a memoir, write poetry or finish a screenplay, but life pulls us in other directions. Attending [...]

Mexico Creative Writing Retreat, 2022

Yesterday I returned from teaching our second annual Creative Writing Retreat in Merida, Mexico – and what a studendous week it was. Great writers, wonderful scenery, memorable experiences, daily writing workshops and so much great food! Creative Writing Retreat: Merida! Such a special city. Street festivals, wandering the Plaza Granda and people-watching along the Paseo de Montejo. Visiting the Mayan World Museum. Exploring the art. Wandering the parks. Live music and dancing most evenings. Our Creative Writing Workshops in Merida Each morning, we met for 3 hours, deepening our writing experience as the week went on. Sometimes we met on a terrace with flowers and sunshine, and at other times inside, around a large table in our beautiful hotel. We explored poetry, memoir, character [...]

A Creative Writing Prompt!

Welcome to the fifth in my series of creative writing tips, techniques and prompts! Today, I’m sharing a creative writing prompt you can use at any time. Creative Writing: Tell the Story of a Life On a trip to Spain a few years ago, I saw in Grenada a traveller with a typewriter and a sign reading, “I tell your life story in 10 minutes”. Tourists lined up before his desk on the street corner, eager to share their stories. While they spoke, he typed furiously. Each customer dropped coins into his hat, and took away their ‘life story’ as a souvenir. I heard the street writer tell someone that he turned down no job. He wrote declarations of love or hate, official letters, dream [...]

Creative Writing Tips and Techniques: How to Create Characters for Fiction

Welcome to the fourth in my blog series on creative writing tips and techniques! Today I want to examine character creation. Read on for information on how to build characters for short stories and novels – and in the meantime, don’t forget to check out our Creative Writing Retreats in Mexico and Costa Rica! A Character Creation Technique There are many ways to build fictional characters for a novel or short story, and ‘status’ is one approach I want to discuss today. While we may find it unpleasant to think about, all of us project a ‘status’ in our interactions with others, and that status is ever-shifting, depending on the people we are with, the spaces we move through, and our comfort level. A student [...]

Journaling for Creative Writers

This is the third in our series of creative writing tips and prompts for writers interested in our creative writing retreats to Costa Rica and Mexico, and our virtual creative writing classes. Read on for advice for writers on how journaling can help you hone the craft of writing… particularly if you hope to write a memoir, of fiction inspired by life experiences. The Connection Between Journaling and Creative Writing Journaling is a way to document your life experiences. Imagine yourself in your late years, sitting by a sunlit window with a pile of journals on your lap, reliving your life, year by year, in stories. That’s how I’ve always seen journaling. But keeping a journal can mean other things, too. The Advantages of a [...]

Building a World: A Writing Prompt

World Building for Creative Writers Many forms of fiction – historical, steam punk, fantasy, science fiction – require the construction of an entire world, which then becomes integral to the plot, and to the protagonist’s challenges. But how do you create a fictional world from scratch? A creative writing tip: some part of the world you build for your novel must reflect our own. Readers need to see themselves and their lives reflected in the fictional world you create, in order to relate to it. A Creative Writing Prompt Here is a simple world-building prompt for fiction writers: Compile a list of everything that seems certain about our lives; concrete aspects of our reality that we take for granted. As an example: People grow older, [...]

Creative Writing Retreat in Mexico 2021!

I just returned from our first ever Creative Writing Retreat to Merida, Mexico! Our creative writing retreat focused on memoir, poetry, planning novels, writing short stories, playwriting, creating characters, getting an agent and more. A wonderful time was had by all. Our Mexico Writing Retreat was structured the same way as our Creative Writing Retreats in Costa Rica, with creative writing classes held for 2-3 hours every morning, sightseeing opportunities most afternoons, group dinners and writing-related social events on occasional evenings. Our creative writing classes in Merida, Mexico included a session on sources of inspiration, and another on incorporating secrets and subtext. All writers who requested it received a critique of their work from the group, and we shared an exercise that had everyone creating [...]

December 10th, 2021|Retreats, writing retreats|

How do you Plan a Novel?

So you love creative writing and you have an idea for a novel – but where do you begin? Here Are Some Tips to Get You started! 1. Map out your story. Begin by doing this in a general way. What is the ‘status quo’ for your characters before the story begins? What is the climactic event of the story? How is the character changed by the end of the novel? 2. Identify key elements of the novel What is the ‘inciting incident’ that sets story in motion? Look for rising and falling action in the story. Will the reader be gripped throughout? Why? Every writer has their own method for planning. Some plan every detail of the novel before they begin to write, in [...]

5 Reasons to Join our Creative Writing Retreat in Mexico!

In 12 weeks, we head down to Merida in Mexico for our first writing retreat of 2021! We still have a few spots left, and here’s 5 reasons why this will be an experience of a lifetime! 1) Merida – City of Culture The base for our writing retreat is the gorgeous city of Merida, where a rich Mayan and Colonial heritage is reflected in the beautiful architecture and plazas. Named the American Capital of Culture 2 years in a row, Merida has art galleries, museums and cultural attractions galore. The many outdoor restaurants and patios provide ideal places to immerse yourself in writing – and enjoy great food! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION Pyramid of Magician - Uxmal 2) There’s so much [...]

September 8th, 2021|Retreats, writing retreats|
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