1-day Arts Courses

Heroes and Villains:
Digital illustration to ANIMATION!
Wednesday 3 January, 11am to 3pm:
Ages 11-17
Only 12 spots available
In this workshop we will create our own original characters, learning the fundamentals of digital illustration through line work, colouring and rendering. Once complete, we will bring these characters to life through ANIMATION! Explore the basics of movement and facial expressions as you build your heroes and villains… then finish them off with the addition of sound.
Every participant will leave this one day workshop with their very own character concept, brought to life through digital art and animation.
All participants must bring their own device (tablet/laptop) with the ability to connect to the Internet. All the software we will be using is free and web based.
Instructor: Aaron Alviano
Price: $75+HST
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Film Editing
Thursday 4 January, 11am to 3pm:
Ages 11-17
Only 12 spots available
This editing workshop will teach students the fundamentals of how to turn the raw material of a film shoot into an engaging story. Using the free software CapCut, we will take the footage of a real film shoot and have the chance to cut it together into something new! At the end of the class, students will leave with both the fundamentals of how to use editing software and what exactly to create with it.
All participants must bring their own device (tablet/laptop) with the ability to connect to the Internet. All the software we will be using is free and web based.
Instructor: Evan Hoffman
Price: $75+HST
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The Wonderful World of PRINTMAKING!
Friday 5 January, 11am to 3pm:
Ages 11-17
Only 12 spots available
Printmaking is an exciting artistic process you can use to transfer images from one surface to another. Create intricate drawings, learning the importance of negative space and discover how to render an image with the use of lines. Next, learn the skills required to safely wield carving tools. Transform lino blocks into masterpieces, apply ink to them and you are on your way to creating hundreds of outstanding pieces of art!
With your newly-acquired skills, you should have an amazing series of work ready to take home at the end of the day.
Wear clothing you don’t mind getting messy!
Instructor: Aaron Alviano
Price: $75+HST
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