

Resources For Digital Artists

Free Digital Animation Software


Pencil 2D




Free Digital Photo Editing Software



Adobe Photoshop Express



The Best FREE Digital Art Software on the Market!

Starting out in Digital Art can be a struggle for teenagers, especially if they are on a budget. Programs like Adobe Photoshop, Corel Paint, Clip Studio Paint, Affinity Photo or even Procreate are powerful: but they cost money. Thankfully, we all have access to free/open-source Digital Art Software - but with so [...]

Resources For Writers

Free Creative Writing Resources

The Box (Free recorded workshop)
This is a magazine that accepts submissions from writers aged 9-13
Toronto Library’s ‘Young Voices’ magazine accepts submissions from Toronto-area writers and artists.
Amazon Canada runs an annual creative writing competition for young writers aged 13-17
Are you interested in studying creative writing at university or college? Check out this list of programs in Ontario!
This is a useful list of creative writing and fine art competitions across Canada.
This is another list of creative writing competitions across the country.

Why Do We Write??

Our ‘Short Story Creation’ camp is now well underway at the Centauri Arts Academy! We began by asking ourselves why we write, and the ‘tools’ we use to inspire our creative writing. All campers created statements exploring the reasons why they write, and used these to create a personal list poem in [...]

Tips for Young Writers

Are you the parent of a child or teenager who loves to write? Here are some tips to help young writers keep the words flowing… Read, read and then read some more! Read widely. Fiction and nonfiction. Poetry and prose. The more they read, the more fodder they will have to help [...]

Top Five FREE and Open Source Software Tools for Creative Writing

Google Docs! Tech Radar voted Google Docs the BEST free software for authors and poets – which is great news, since this writing software is likely the one most of us already use! Focus Writer is a great software tool for creative writers because it is designed to take away the [...]

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