Hybrid – join us on Zoom or in our Bloor West Studio

Saturday 29 March 2025.  2pm to 4.30pm EST

Open to adult writers, and teen writers 16+

Join us for an intensive workshop on the business of getting published. Learn how to prepare a manuscript for publication, and explore the  options open to you once your book is ready. We will look at sample query letters and learn how to make your letter to an agent or independent publisher stand out from the rest. We’ll compare print and digital publishing houses, self-publishing with traditional routes, indie with international, and examine the process you must go through if you want to see your book published by one of the ‘big five’.

If you love to be creative but find the business aspect of writing a little daunting,  join us for this lively no-pressure workshop, and learn the skills you need to see your manuscript out there in the world.

All ages 16+ are welcome!

Special Discounted Rate: $29+HST


CLICK HERE to find out more about Julie Hartley, the instructor for this workshop.